14. Interim assistance

The FAS can pay interim assistance while an applicant waits for the FAS to make a final decision about their application. The purpose of interim assistance is to meet the immediate needs of victims.

The FAS can pay the following types of assistance as interim assistance:

Interim assistance and supporting evidence requirements

Assistance typeRequirements

Up to 5 sessions of counselling expenses according to the counselling expenses payment schedule.

Mandatory evidence

Applicants must provide detail in their application form explaining why counselling is required and how the assistance will meet their immediate needs.

Details of the cost of the counselling expense are also required. This could be:

  • an invoice or receipt for expenses already paid for
  • a quote for expenses to be paid for in the future
  • a screenshot or other official outline of a counselling provider’s fees
  • an email or other correspondence from the counselling provider with their fees, or
  • a letter or report that includes the counselling provider's fees.

Up to a combined total of $5,000 for medical and safety-related expenses.

Mandatory evidence

Applicants must provide detail in their application form explaining why the medical or safety-related expenses are required and how the assistance will meet their immediate needs. If necessary for safety-related expenses, they must also provide written permission from a landlord to install safety equipment in a rental property.

Applicants must also provide:

  • evidence of expenses already incurred (i.e. an invoice or receipt) for which the applicant needs urgent reimbursement, or
  • quotes or other evidence of the expected costs (such as published prices).

Up to $19,627 for interim funeral expenses.

Mandatory evidence

Applicants must provide detail in their application form explaining why the funeral expenses are required and how the assistance will meet their immediate needs. They must also provide evidence that their loved one was a primary victim who passed away as a direct result of the violent act.

Details of the cost of the funeral expenses are also required. This could be:

  • evidence of expenses already incurred (i.e. an invoice or receipt) for which the applicant needs urgent reimbursement, or
  • quotes or other evidence of the expected costs (such as published prices).

Eligible for interim assistance


Sandra applies to the FAS for $5,000 in safety-related expenses, with $2,000 as interim assistance to help her to relocate homes as Sandra is a victim of family violence. Sandra also applies for counselling and special financial assistance.

The FAS considers Sandra’s application and pays the $2,000 as interim assistance. Later, the FAS pays Sandra counselling, special financial assistance, and the remaining safety-related expenses.

Eligible for interim assistance


Tan was the victim of a serious assault. Tan applies to the FAS for counselling expenses and special financial assistance. The FAS provides Tan with assistance for 5 counselling sessions. The FAS later decides to pay special financial assistance, but in the meantime, Tan has been able to keep attending their weekly sessions with their psychologist.
