25. Variation of FAS assistance

A variation application is a request to change the assistance paid by the FAS. The FAS can vary assistance for many reasons, this could be because the victim needs:

  • to change the conditions of the assistance, such as needing to attend a new psychologist or counsellor
  • to change the amount of assistance, such as needing an increase in assistance to cover an increase in a service provider’s costs, or
  • a new type of assistance, such as where a victim’s needs or circumstances have changed, and they now need different or additional assistance.

These examples are not a complete list, and the FAS can vary assistance for many different reasons to respond to victims’ needs.

The FAS can only pay assistance up to an applicant’s maximum assistance cap, which is $60,000 for primary victims and $50,000 for secondary victims and related victims. When applying to the FAS for a variation, applicants must:

  • have already received assistance from the FAS which is to be varied
  • apply within the relevant time limits, as the FAS cannot extend time to apply for variation
  • have fresh evidence or changed circumstances explaining why further assistance is needed, and
  • explain how the further assistance will assist in their recovery from the violent act.

FAS variation process

  • Download 'FAS variation process'
