17.3.1 What a secondary victim needs to show for medical expenses

An applicant must provide evidence of the need for the medical treatment as well as cost of the medical expense that has been or will be paid for.

Medical expenses – supporting evidence requirements

Mandatory evidence

Applicants must provide evidence of the cost of the medical expense. This includes:

  • an invoice or receipt for expenses already paid for
  • a quote for expenses to be paid for in the future
  • an email or other correspondence from the medical provider with their fees for expenses to be paid for in the future, or
  • a letter or report that includes the medical provider's fees for expenses to be paid for in the future.

For quotes showing expenses to be paid for in the future, the FAS will not provide assistance until the service has been provided and an invoice or receipt has been given to the FAS.

Recommended evidence

Applicants are recommended to provide one of the following documents that detail the need for the medical expense:

  • hospital records
  • medical records
  • medical certificate
  • a report or letter by an AHPRA registered medical or health professional or for professions not regulated by AHPRA, a report or evidence which also details the skills and qualification of the relevant professional, or
  • a report or letter by a mental health practitioner.

A medical report, letter or evidence of diagnosis must include:

  • the proposed treatment
  • the practitioner’s opinion on how the proposed treatment would help recovery, and
  • whether the need for the treatment is directly a result of the violent act.
