The Financial Assistance Scheme phone lines will be closed for maintenance on Wednesday 26 February 2025.

Victims of Crime Consultative Committee

The Victims of Crime Consultative Committee is a forum for members to discuss policies, practices and systems’ reform that can improve the experience of victims of crime and provides advice to the Attorney-General and Minister for Victim Support on these and other victim related issues.

The Victims of Crime Consultative Committee (the Committee) brings together:

  • members of the community who have been victims of crime or who are family members of victims of crime
  • the Victims of Crime Commissioner
  • Victoria Police
  • the Office of Public Prosecutions (OPP)
  • the judiciary
  • the Adult Parole Board (APB)
  • victims of crime service agencies.

The Minister for Victim Support and the Attorney-General also attend Committee meetings. The Committee is formalised in law under the Victims of Crime Commissioner Act 2015.

The Committee is a forum for members to discuss policies, practices and systems’ reform that can improve the experience of victims of crime and provides advice to the Attorney-General and Minister for Victim Support on these and other victim related issues. The purpose of the Committee is to elevate the voices of victims of crime and promote the interests of all victims in the administration of justice.

The Committee is currently chaired by the Hon. Jennifer Coate AO. The victim representative members serve three-year terms on the Committee. This allows for a range of voices from the community to be heard and creates the opportunity for people with lived experience to influence reforms that can make a difference to future experiences of the system. Expressions of interest for membership on the Committee are sought when vacancies become available.
