Intervention orders

An intervention order can help protect you and your family from anyone who is violent or makes you feel unsafe.

You can apply for an intervention order at any Magistrates’ Court in Victoria - police do not need to be involved.

If the person on an intervention order (the respondent) doesn’t follow the conditions, they can be charged with a criminal offence.

You can get help to apply for an intervention order. Call the Victims of Crime Helpline on 1800 819 817.

An intervention order is a court order made by a magistrate. It can help protect you and your family from anyone who is violent or makes you feel unsafe.

There are two types of intervention orders:

  1. A family violence intervention order helps to protect you from a family member who is violent to you.
  2. A personal safety intervention order helps to protect you from someone that is not a family member.

Intervention orders have conditions (these are rules) about how the person (called the respondent) can behave towards you. The respondent must follow the conditions of the order. If they do not, police can take action.

An intervention order can have conditions to stop the respondent from:

  • harassing, threatening, or intimidating you
  • being near your house
  • contacting you in any way
  • damaging your property.

Protection from harmful behaviour

You can apply for an intervention order against a person if they’ve done any of the following, and are likely to do it again:

  • harassed you
  • behaved in an offensive manner
  • assaulted or threatened to assault you
  • emotionally or psychologically abused you
  • damaged or threatened to damage your property or pets
  • caused you to fear for your own safety or the safety of your family.

You can get an intervention order even if there has been no physical violence.

The intervention order can also be used to protect your children or other family members.

It is a good idea to take someone with you when you apply for an intervention order. They can help you tell your story clearly and help you remember what you are told.

Applying for an intervention order

The Magistrates’ Court of Victoria website has information about what you need to do to apply for an intervention order:

You can find your nearest Magistrates’ Court by searching on their website.

You can also get help to apply for an intervention order. Call the Victims of Crime Helpline on 1800 819 817 for more information.

Printed copies of Family Violence Intervention Orders impacted by computer system upgrade

An update to the computer system that supports Family Violence Intervention Orders impacted printed copies from 15 November 2024 to 5 March 2025. All orders are still valid.

For more information, please visit the Department of Justice and Community Safety website.
