The Financial Assistance Scheme portal will be closed for scheduled maintenance from 5:30pm to 9:30pm on Thursday 27 March 2025

Feedback for the CYWS


We want to hear about your experience using the Child and Youth Witness Service (CYWS). Your feedback helps us improve our service.

If you have a compliment, complaint or suggestion for improvement, please speak to us first if you feel ok to do so and we will do our best to resolve your concerns.

If you don't want to talk to us about it or we don't resolve your concern, you can use the options below.

Electronic feedback

Written feedback

Feedback Coordinator
Victims Services, Support and Reform
Department of Justice and Community Safety
GPO 4356
Melbourne VIC 3001

Complaints regarding personal information

If you have a complaint about what we do with your personal information, please talk to your CYWS practitioner or their manager. If you would prefer not to do this, you can make a complaint to:

Victim Services Support and Reform
Phone: 1800 819 817

Manager, Information Privacy Unit
Phone: (03) 8684 0178

Office of the Victims of Crime Commissioner
Phone: 1800 010 017

Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner
Phone: 1300 006 842

Further support

If you are not satisfied with how your feedback has been resolved, or for information about your rights as a victim, you can contact the Victims of Crime Commissioner or Victorian Ombudsman.

Victims of Crime Commissioner

There is a Victims’ Charter which sets out your rights as a victim.

Your rights as set out in the Victims’ Charter include that the CYWS will:

  • treat you with courtesy, respect and dignity
  • provide information to you about other services, assistance and any entitlements you might have
  • communicate with you in a way you want, including ensuring interpreters are available if needed
  • protect your personal information.

Access a copy of the Victims’ Charter Guidelines:

There is also a Victims of Crime Commissioner who promotes the fair treatment of victims in the justice system.

If you think we have not respected your rights and want to tell someone who is independent, you can tell the Victims of Crime Commissioner.

Complaints in relation to compliance with Victims’ Charter Guidelines may also be reviewed by the Victims of Crime Commissioner.

Phone: 1800 010 017
Email: in a new window)

Write a letter to GPO Box 4356, Melbourne VIC 3000

Victorian Ombudsman

The Victorian Ombudsman investigates complaints about Victorian Government departments and agencies.

Phone: (03) 9613 6222
Website: in a new window)
