The Financial Assistance Scheme portal will be closed for scheduled maintenance from 5:30pm to 9:30pm on Thursday 27 March 2025

About the CYWS

What we do

Child and Youth Witness Service (CYWS) practitioners are trained professionals who provide support throughout the criminal process (before, during and after the court matter) to reduce potential anxiety around being a witness. We provide support based on your individual needs.

Our support includes:

  • familiarising you with the criminal justice process, including telling you about the people involved and what happens at court
  • preparing you for the role of being a witness by explaining what to expect while giving evidence and possible outcomes
  • assessing your needs and identifying strategies to best support you
  • supporting you when you give evidence
  • answering your questions about the criminal justice process
  • speaking with the police or prosecution and attending meetings with you or on your behalf
  • referring you to counselling or other support services if you need them.

Who we help

Any child or young person (aged under 18 years when charges are laid) who may be a witness in a criminal matter anywhere in Victoria.

How to refer a child or young person to the CYWS

Anyone can refer a child or young person to the CYWS. This includes police, prosecutors, defence lawyers, other professionals, and families or carers.

If you would like to make a referral for yourself or a family member, please download and email a completed referral form to us at

Child and Youth Witness Service Referral Form
Word 125.31 KB
(opens in a new window)

For all other referrers, more information is available at information for referrers.

Child safety

The Department of Justice and Community Safety (DJCS) is committed to the safety and wellbeing of children and young people. We seek to prevent harm of any kind impacting children and young people and have zero tolerance for racism, child abuse and inequality.

Children and young people’s rights, relationships, identity and culture must be recognised and respected, their voices heard, and their concerns acted upon.

We aim to foster a culturally safe, child safe and child friendly environment for all children and young people we have contact with, deliver services to, or who are impacted by our work.

Diversity, inclusion and social justice

We value diversity, inclusion and social justice. We are committed to treating people of all cultures, ethnicities, gender identities, bodily diversities, sexual orientations, ages, abilities, and religions with dignity and respect.

The CYWS is Rainbow Tick accredited. For more information, please visit Supporting LGBTIQ+ people.

QIP accredited Rainbow Tick

Privacy and personal information

How to access your personal information

You should speak to your CYWS practitioner if you want to see or access information that has been collected about you. You can ask us to change any information held about you that is incorrect.

If you want a copy of your record, you will need to make an application under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Vic). If your freedom of information (FOI) application is approved, you will be given information about yourself, but not information about anyone else. Your CYWS practitioner may be able to help you to make an FOI application.

The FOI Unit can be contacted via email:

More information:

Laws that protect personal information

Personal and health information collected is managed in accordance with the privacy principles contained in the:

When handling your personal and health information, CYWS must do so in accordance with the DJCS information privacy policy.

Complaints regarding personal information

Please see Feedback for the CYWS for details on how to make a complaint about the use of personal information.
