Garragarrak has remote witness rooms where children and young people can give their evidence via audio visual link.
Each of our 8 remote witness rooms has a native animal theme, with a Woi Wurrung language name.
Here are details of 3 of the rooms so you can see what they are like.
Dulai wurrung (platypus)
Pronunciation: dool-ay woo-rr-ung

Description: The platypus symbolises being at peace, even when you are isolated, and being able to swim against the current. Dulai wurrung’s mother is the duck (dulum), and its father is baanj dayang (water rat). They were told not to associate with the other. Instead, they followed their heart and learned to trust one another and not listen to other's opinions. They realised they should not judge others before getting to know them.
Themes: uniqueness, individuality and embracing difference
Dandan (rainbow lorikeet)
Pronunciation: dun-dun

Description: The rainbow lorikeet are community birds, relying on each other for the sole purpose of survival. They use their collective voice to protect each other from danger, direct others to where it is safe to eat and drink, and help to raise their young together. They embody binbeal the rainbow (Bunjil’s). As they travel, the lorikeets look like moving rainbows across the sky, a symbol of hope and renewal.
Themes: bold, colourful, hope, renewal, standing out
Guwarn (echidna)
Pronunciation: guh-wah-rn

Description: The echidna is a timid, yet very strong animal. It can lift stones much larger than itself. Its quills represent the ability to protect itself. It retreats when needed and wards off anything that it sees as a threat with its inbuilt defence mechanism. It defines what is safe and not safe, knowing it can retreat when needed.
Themes: shelter, protection, strength, curiosity