Nominating an authorised representative
If your authorised representative is a lawyer
If you plan to have a lawyer be your authorised representative, they need to complete a client authorisation form below instead of a statutory declaration.
Learn more about lawyers' responsibilities when assisting with a Financial Assistance Scheme (FAS) application.
If your authorised representative is not a lawyer
If your chosen authorised representative is not a lawyer, you will need to fill out a statutory declaration.
You will need to sign it in front of an authorised statutory declaration witness. For more information on who can witness statutory declarations, visit the Department of Justice and Community Safety's website.
A victim may complete this statutory declaration to nominate an authorised representative:
A victim’s parent, guardian or administrator may complete this statutory declaration template to nominate an authorised representative:
Other statutory declarations
Statutory declarations for victims
Victims may complete this statutory declaration template to explain the reasons why they have not reported the incident(s) to the police.
Victims will also have the option of downloading a FAS generated statutory declaration which will include inputs based on the answers they provide in their application.
Victims may complete this statutory declaration template in relation to any issue on which they would like to provide evidence to the FAS to support their application.
Examples of miscellaneous issues can be found below.
Statutory declarations for authorised representatives
Authorised representatives may complete this statutory declaration template to explain the reasons why the victim has not reported the incident(s) to the police. Authorised representatives will also have the option of downloading a FAS generated statutory declaration which will include inputs based on the answers they provide in their application.
This statutory declaration template may be completed by an authorised representative in relation to any issue on which you would like to provide evidence to the FAS to support your application:
Templates for letters and reports from service providers
Learn more about the resources available for service providers.
Cultural support plans
Cultural support plans can provide the FAS with information about a person’s cultural connection and guide how the FAS engages with Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander people when they apply to the FAS.
Cultural support plans can also provide information to support a victim’s application, such as how assistance for specific activities can nurture connections with culture, family and community and support recovery.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people applying to the FAS can provide an existing cultural support plan if they have one, or use one of the templates provided by the FAS below.
Application to vary your Victims of Crime Assistance Tribunal award
After registering their details in the FAS online portal, victims or their authorised representative can complete the form below to apply to the FAS for a minor or substantive variation of a Victims of Crime Assistance Tribunal (VOCAT) award.
The form includes instructions on how to submit an application to vary VOCAT awards.
Application to vary your Financial Assistance Scheme assistance
Use this form to apply to vary your FAS assistance if your situation has changed. The form includes instructions on how to submit an application to vary FAS assistance.
Application for an internal review
If you are unhappy with certain FAS decisions, you can use this form to ask the FAS to review that decision. The form includes instruction on how to submit an application for internal review.
Application for legal costs for VOCAT variation application
Lawyers can apply for reasonable legal costs incurred in representing victims with complex VOCAT variation applications using this form. The form includes instructions on how to submit an application for legal costs.