The Financial Assistance Scheme portal will be closed for scheduled maintenance from 5:30pm to 9:30pm on Thursday 27 March 2025

Applying for financial assistance from Victims of Crime Assistance Tribunal

Victims of violent crime in Victoria may be able to apply for financial assistance to help them with costs.

New Financial Assistance Scheme opening in November

On 18 November 2024, the Victims of Crime Financial Assistance Scheme (FAS) commenced.

The FAS replaces the Victims of Crime Assistance Tribunal (VOCAT).

VOCAT has stopped accepting new applications. Any new applications for financial assistance must now be made to the FAS.

If you want to move your application from VOCAT to the FAS

You can choose whether to have your pending application finalised at VOCAT, or reapply to the FAS instead. In some circumstances, you may not be eligible to reapply to the FAS if you have received an interim decision from VOCAT.

If you want to move your application from VOCAT to the new scheme, you will need to cancel your existing application and reapply to the FAS. In some circumstances, you may not be eligible to reapply to the FAS if you have received an interim decision from VOCAT.

Learn more about moving your application from VOCAT to the FAS.

Get advice on moving your VOCAT application to the FAS

The Victims Legal Service provides free legal advice and support in applying to VOCAT and the Financial Assistance Scheme.

Open: 9am-5pm, Monday to Friday
Call: 1800 531 566(opens in a new window)

For more information see Victims Legal Service.

Making changes to your VOCAT award

If you have previously received an award from VOCAT and need to change (vary) your assistance, you must now apply to the FAS.

Learn more about applying to the FAS to vary your VOCAT award.

Payments from VOCAT

If VOCAT has finalised your application and decided to pay for your expenses, you will still receive payment for these expenses. These are known as authorised future expenses.

You will need to request payment from the FAS for authorised future expenses that VOCAT has awarded.

Learn more about requesting payment from the FAS for your VOCAT award.

Get help with your application

The Victims of Crime Helpline (1800 819 817(opens in a new window)) is a free service that can help you apply for financial assistance.

The Helpline can also help you with:

  • your day to day needs
  • emergency home security
  • managing your personal safety
  • communicating with police and making a report
  • organising counselling, transport and medical services
  • getting ready for court
  • getting information about the offender.
