The Financial Assistance Scheme portal will be closed for scheduled maintenance from 5:30pm to 9:30pm on Thursday 27 March 2025

Information for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities – family violence and abuse in relationships

If you experience violence in your family or relationship in Victoria, services are available to give you support and assistance.

About family violence and abuse in relationships

Family violence is a pattern of behaviour where one person tries to control or scare another person. It is a form of abuse that can happen in many different types of relationships.

You may experience family violence directly or see and hear abuse and violence between other family members.

On this website you can learn more about:

Do you need help?

If anyone is in immediate danger or a crime is currently occurring, please call police on Triple Zero (000). If you cannot access a phone you can also go to your local police station.

Victoria Police – Liaison Officers

Victoria Police have Aboriginal Community Liaison Officers (ACLOs) and Police Aboriginal Liaison Officers (PALOs) available around the state. They work to assist communication and build relationships between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Communities and the police.

You can report a crime to any police officer in Victoria Police by contacting your local police station but, if the matter is not urgent, and you would like to speak to an ACLO, PALO or other liaison officer, you can ask your local police station.

There are good reasons to report violence and abuse, but if you are not ready to do that yet, or do not want to involve the police, you can still get help. Talking to a trusted person, like a counsellor, family member, doctor or friend can be a good first step and they can help you talk to the police or other services if you want them to.

Victims of Crime Helpline

If you would like confidential advice about the options available to you, you can contact the Victims of Crime Helpline.

Open: 8am-7pm Monday to Friday, 8am-5pm Saturday, Sunday and public holidays
Call: 1800 819 817
Text: 0427 767 891

The Victims of Crime Helpline may be able to organise a support worker who can:

  • talk with you and understand your situation
  • find services that can help you, even if you do not want to report the crime
  • help you to talk to the police, if you want to do so
  • organise medical services if you need them because of the crime
  • organise counselling to deal with the effects of the crime
  • explain what you can do to improve your safety and your family’s safety
  • explain what you will need to do if you are a witness at court.

More services

You can find out more about general family violence services available in Victoria.

You can also contact specialist services available for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.

Elizabeth Morgan House Aboriginal Women's Service

Elizabeth Morgan House provides a range of support to Aboriginal women and children experiencing family violence from crisis through to recovery program.

9am–5pm, Monday to Thursday
9am–4pm, Friday
Call: (03) 9482 5744

VACCA – Victorian Aboriginal Child Care Agency

An Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisation that services children, young people and families with a range of services including family violence, children’s services, housing and homelessness.

Call: (03) 9287 8800

Legal advice and representation for the Koorie community.

Call: 1800 064 865

A legal service that supports Aboriginal people who are experiencing or have experienced family violence (all genders). They can also assist non-Aboriginal people experiencing family violence who are parents of Aboriginal children.

Open: 9am–5pm, Monday to Friday
Call: 1800 105 303

Victorian Aboriginal Health Service (VAHS)

Provides a comprehensive range of medical, dental and social services as well as community programs for Victorian indigenous communities.

9am–5pm, Monday to Thursday
9am–4pm, Friday
03 9419 3000 (VAHS Fitzroy)
03 9403 3300 (VAHS Preston)
03 8592 3920 (VAHS Epping)
