15.5.1 What a primary victim needs to show for loss or damage to clothing

The FAS can pay expenses incurred or likely to be incurred by the primary victim through the loss of, or damage to, clothing which was worn at the time of the violent act occurring.

To seek payment for loss or damage to clothing, applicants must provide evidence to show that the clothing in question was lost or damaged while being worn at the time of the violent act, and also demonstrate the cost of replacing the lost or damaged clothing.

Loss or damage to clothing – supporting evidence requirements

Mandatory evidence

Applicants must indicate in their application that the clothing in question was lost or damaged while being worn at the time the violent act occurred and provide one of the following documents as evidence of clothing expenses:

  • an invoice or receipt for expenses already paid for, or if unavailable, a statutory declaration
  • a quote for expenses to be paid for in the future
  • a screenshot or other official outline of a product’s cost for expenses to be paid for in the future, or
  • service provider’s fees for repair of damaged clothing to be paid for in the future.

Recommended evidence

Applicants are recommended to provide one of the following documents that detail the loss or damage to clothing:

  • a statement (if available) confirming the clothing worn at the time of the violent act
  • photos of the applicant (if available) from the time of the violent act, or
  • a statutory declaration detailing the clothing worn at the time of the act of violence and the cost of the clothing lost or damaged.
