17. Assistance for secondary victims

The types of assistance that eligible primary victims may wish to claim from FAS.

To assist with the recovery from witnessing a violent act, the FAS can pay secondary victims up to $50,000 in financial assistance. This is in addition to payments for funeral expenses.

Evidence requirements for assistance for secondary victims are explained further below.

The financial assistance the FAS will provide to secondary victims depends on what kind of expenses they have paid for or are likely to pay for in the future because of the violent act, and whether the amount requested for the expense is reasonable.

The FAS can provide financial assistance to secondary victims for:

Eligible for assistance as a secondary victim


At the age of 16, Emily was the victim of a violent assault and suffered severe brain injuries. After becoming aware of the assault and of Emily’s injuries, her mum Michelle developed anxiety and lost income as she became Emily’s main carer and could no longer work full-time as a teacher. Michelle applied to the FAS to help pay for counselling to assist with her anxiety and for her lost income. The FAS provided financial assistance to Michelle for counselling and loss of earnings as they directly resulted from Emily being the victim of a violent act.

The FAS will not make a payment for expenses incurred through loss of or damage to a person’s property.[28]

Not eligible for assistance as a secondary victim


Martin was a witness to an assault that occurred in front of his home. After the victim was assaulted, the offender threw a large rock through Martin’s window and damaged his TV. Although Martin was a witness to a violent act, the FAS cannot provide him with assistance for the damage to his window and the TV.


[27] Section 14 of the Act.

[28] Section 14(4) of the Act.
