On this page
The Victims of Crime Helpline
The Victims of Crime Helpline offers information, advice and support and is the first step for victims of crime to access free services in Victoria. The helpline is pivotal in linking victims to services, ensuring they receive personalised, timely and appropriate support to manage and recover from the effects of crime.
The helpline values diversity, inclusion and social justice. People of all cultures, ethnicities, gender identities, bodily diversities, sexual orientations, ages, abilities, and religions will be treated with dignity and respect.
The helpline provides:
- a supportive listening environment for victims of crime
- information about victim entitlements and the criminal justice system
- information about the legal process, including after the offender is in jail
- connections to other support services, such as the Victims Assistance Program.
Open: 8am-7pm Monday to Friday, 8am-5pm Saturday, Sunday and public holidays
Call: 1800 819 817
Text: 0427 767 891
The Victims Assistance Program
The Department of Justice and Community Safety funds the Victims Assistance Program which comprises of a network of community-based agencies delivering support services to victims of crime across Victoria.
These services aim to support victims of crime manage the effects of experiencing a violent crime and promote the recovery process.
The Victims Assistance Program offers a tailored service to meet the needs of each person which may include:
- assistance with your day-to-day needs
- information on protecting your personal safety
- providing emergency home security
- help to communicate with police and make a report
- organising counselling, transport and medical services
- assistance to get ready for court
- help to prepare a Victim Impact Statement
- assistance with applying for financial assistance
- help to get information about the offender.
This service is free and available by contacting the Victims of Crime Helpline
Open: 8am-7pm Monday to Friday, 8am-5pm Saturday, Sunday and public holidays
Call: 1800 819 817
Text: 0427 767 891
The Victims of Crime Helpline is interpreter and National Relay Service friendly
- Call the Victims of Crime Helpline on 1800 819 817.
- Tell them the person’s name, phone number and spoken language.
The Victims of Crime Helpline will organise for an interpreter to call.
This is a free service.
When the interpreter calls, it may display as a 'private number', 'blocked' or 'no caller id' on mobile phones.
If you are deaf, or have a hearing impairment or speech impairment, contact us through the National Relay Service:
- TTY users phone 1800 555 677 then ask for 1800 819 817
- Speak and Listen users phone 1800 555 727 then ask for 1800 819 817
- Internet relay users connect to the NRS then ask for 1800 819 817
- Video relay users choose the available NRS video relay contact on Skype and ask for 1800 819 817
- SMS relay users phone 0423 677 767 and ask for 1800 819 817.
Agencies and services available in Victoria
You can learn more about how to report a crime on this website.
Victoria Police
There are a number of ways you can report a crime to Victoria Police.
If anyone is in immediate danger or a crime is currently occurring, please call police on Triple Zero (000).
For non-urgent and less serious crimes, you can:
- call the Police Assistance Line on 131 444
- call or go to your local police station
- use Victoria Police’s online reporting tool.
If you wish, for situations that are not urgent, you can request to speak to:
An Aboriginal Community Liaison Officer (ACLO) or Police Aboriginal Liaison Officer (PALO), who:
- are available around the state by contacting your local police station
- assist communication and build relationships between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Communities and the police
A lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex Liaison Officer (GLLO), who:
- are available around the state
- provide discrete, non-judgemental advice and assistance about reporting a crime as well as information about support services available for LGTBI communities.
Call: (03) 9247 6944 during business hours
Email: Melbourne.gllo@police.vic.gov.auCrime Stoppers
Confidentially report a crime by calling Crime Stoppers or reporting online.
Call: 1800 333 000
Website: crimestoppersvic.com.auThe Office of the eSafety Commissioner
Australian Government agency committed to helping all Australians have safe, positive experiences online. You can report image-based abuse or offensive or illegal content on their website.
Website: esafety.gov.au
Australia and New Zealand’s national identity & cyber support service. You can report identify theft and relationship scams on their website.
Open: 8am–5pm, Monday to Friday
Call: 1800 595 160
Website: idcare.orgAustralian Cyber Security Centre (ASCS)
The Australian Cyber Security Centre is the Australian Federal Government initiative for improving cyber security. You can use their ReportCyber online tool to report cyber crime (online crime). It can refer your report to the most relevant law enforcement or government agencies for investigation.
You can use ReportCyber to report types of crime such as:
- identify theft
- online scams – such as dating and romance scams, threats or extortion for money
- attacks or hacking of computer systems.
Website: cyber.gov.au
Consumer Affairs Victoria
If you are dealing with a dispute regarding products, services, housing and car sales, Consumer Affairs Victoria has extensive information about your rights as a consumer in Victoria.
You can view their Who to go for help page for information on who to contact to make a complaint.
Website: consumer.vic.gov.au
Victorian Child Protection Service (Department of Health and Human Services)
You should make a report to Child Protection if you are concerned that a child has suffered or is likely to suffer significant harm as a result of abuse or neglect, and that their parent has not protected, is unable to protect or is unlikely to protect the child from harm of that type.
Business hours (9am–5pm, Monday to Friday)
Contact the child protection intake service in your area
After hours (weeknights 5pm–9pm, and 24 hours on weekends and public holidays)
Contact the After hours Child Protection Emergency Service on 13 12 78.
The Orange Door
If you have significant concern for the wellbeing of a child, but do not believe they are at risk of significant harm, and where the immediate safety of the child will not be compromised, you can report to The Orange Door.
These services can link children to services that can help. For a contact phone number in your area, visit The Orange Door website.
You can learn about how courts work in Victoria on this website.
Magistrates’ Court of Victoria
To find locations and contact details of the Magistrates’ Court around Victoria, you can use the find a court function on their website.
Website: mcv.vic.gov.au
Children’s Court of Victoria
To find locations of the Children’s Court, you can visit the Court Locations section of their website.
Website: childrenscourt.vic.gov.au
County Court of Victoria
To find locations and contact details of the County Court around Victoria, you can visit the Contact Us section of their website.
Website: countycourt.vic.gov.au
Supreme Court of Victoria
To find locations and contact details of the Supreme Court around Victoria, you can visit the Contact Us section of their website.
Website: supremecourt.vic.gov.au
Coroner’s Court of Victoria
The Coroner's Court of Victoria is located at the address below and you can find further details on contacting them by visiting the Contact Us section of their website.
State Coronial Service Centre
65 Kavanagh Street
South Bank, VictoriaCall: 1300 309 519
Website: coronerscourt.vic.gov.auOffice of Public Prosecutions Victoria (OPP)
The Office of Public Prosecutions is Victoria’s public prosecution service. They prepare and present court matters against people accused of serious crime.
565 Lonsdale Street
Melbourne, VictoriaCall: (03) 9603 7666
Website: opp.vic.gov.auVictims and Witness Assistance Service (VWAS)
The OPP’s Victims and Witness Assistance Service is available on the ground floor of their building.
565 Lonsdale Street
Melbourne, VictoriaCall: (03) 96037425 or 1800 641 927 (toll free) 9am–5pm
Website: victimsandwitnesses.opp.vic.gov.auCorrections Victoria
Corrections Victoria is responsible for offenders in prison and on community corrections orders.
Website: corrections.vic.gov.au
Adult Parole Board Victoria
The Adult Parole Board is responsible for making decisions about parole for adult offenders in the Victoria.
Website: adultparoleboard.vic.gov.au
Post Sentence Authority
The Post Sentence Authority oversees the post sentence scheme in Victoria and monitors serious offenders on post sentence orders.
Website: postsentenceauthority.vic.gov.au
Sentencing Advisory Council
The Sentencing Advisory Council provides research, statistics and education about sentencing in Victoria.
Website: sentencingcouncil.vic.gov.au
Victims of Crime Commissioner
The Victims of Crime Commissioner aims to improve services and systems in government departments, victims service providers and the justice system to meet the needs of victims of crime.
Call: 1800 010 017
Website: victimsofcrimecommissioner.vic.gov.auYouth Justice Service – Department of Justice and Community Safety
The Youth Justice Service is responsible for the supervision of young people in the criminal justice system.
Legal Advice and Assistance
Victoria Legal Aid
Victoria Legal Aid’s (VLA) Legal Help service provides free general legal information over the phone and by chat online.
Open: 8am–6pm, Monday to Friday
Call: 1800 677 402
Website: legalaid.vic.gov.auVictims Legal Service
The Victims Legal Service provides free legal advice and support for people who have suffered injury or loss because of a crime and need help getting financial assistance or compensation.
Open: 9am–5pm, Monday to Friday
Call: 1800 531 566Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Legal Services
Victorian Aboriginal Legal Service
Legal advice and representation for the Koorie community.
Call: 1800 064 865 (on call service available 24 hours)
Website: vals.org.auDjirra
A legal service that supports Aboriginal people who are experiencing or have experienced family violence (women and men). They can also assist non-Aboriginal people experiencing family violence who are parents of Aboriginal children.
Open: 9am–5pm, Monday to Friday
Call: 1800 105 303
Website: djirra.org.auCommunity Legal Centres
Federation of Community Legal Centres (FCLC)
There are over 30 community legal centres (CLCs) in Victoria which provide free or low cost legal advice and assistance. People can locate their closest CLC on the FCLC website. CLCs often provide services for a range of legal issues to clients who live, work or study in their local area. Some CLCs focus their support on a particular demographic or legal issue (specialist CLCs).
Call: (03) 9652 1501
Website: fclc.org.au/Emma House
Emma House (also known as Sexual Assault and Family Violence Centre) is a specialist family violence and sexual assault CLC that services Warrnambool and surrounding south-west regions of Victoria.
Open: 9:00am – 5:00pm, Monday to Friday
Call: 1800 336 238
Website: emmahouse.org.au/InTouch Legal Centre
InTouch is a specialist, state-wide women’s CLC for women from migrant and refugee backgrounds. They provide services for family violence, family law, immigration and financial matters.
Open: 9:00am – 5:00pm, Monday to Friday
Call: 1800 755 988
Website: intouch.org.au/intouch-legal-centre/knowmore
knowmore is a specialist legal service for victim-survivors of childhood sexual abuse. knowmore provides assistance with accessing redress or compensation, discuss referral options for civil claims, provide advice on payments available through the victims support schemes, help victim-survivors to get access to documents and discuss options of reporting child abuse.
Open: 9:00am – 5:00pm, Monday to Friday
Call: 1800 605 762
Website: knowmore.org.auJustice Connect
Justice Connect assist people with referrals to a free lawyer or barrister. This is done in partnership with the Victorian Bar’s pro bono scheme.
Open: 9:30am – 1:00pm, 2:00pm – 5:00pm, Monday to Friday
Call: (03) 8636 4400
Website: justiceconnect.org.au/Mental Health Legal Centre
The Mental Health Legal Centre provides a free and confidential legal service to anyone who has experienced mental illness in Victoria where their legal problem relates to their mental illness.
Legal advice telephone line
Open: 6pm–8pm, Tuesday and Thursday evenings
Call: (03) 9629 4422 (metropolitan callers) or 1800 555 887 (free call from rural Victoria)
Website: mhlc.org.auVillamanta Disability Rights Legal Centre
Villamanta Disability Rights Legal Service is a free, Victoria-wide community legal centre that works exclusively with disability-related legal issues. The service has a particular focus on issues which affect people with an intellectual disability.
Call: 03 5227 338 for general calls or 1800 014 111 for the Legal Advice Line
Website: villamanta.org.auWomen’s Legal Service Victoria
Free and confidential legal information and advice for women experiencing family violence or relationship breakdown.
Legal Advice Line
Open: 5.30pm–7.30pm, Tuesday and Thursday evenings
Call: (03) 8622 0600 (metropolitan callers) or 1800 133 302 (country callers)
Website: womenslegal.org.auYouthlaw
Free legal advice for people under 25 including drop in clinics, phone and email advice – Victoria wide.
Open: 9am–5pm, every day
Call: (03) 9113 9500
Email: legal@youthlaw.asn.au
Website: youthlaw.asn.auPrivate Lawyers
Law Institute Victoria
The Law Institute of Victoria is the peak body for the Victorian legal profession. It assists people in locating a lawyer through their online find a lawyer referral service.
Website: www.liv.asn.au
Victorian Legal Services Board and Commissioner (VLSBC)
VLSBC has an online search tool which allows people to search for lawyers by practice area, language spoken, and accredited specialisation.
Website: lsbc.vic.gov.au/register-of-lawyers
24-hour crisis support and suicide prevention services.
Open: 24 hours, every day
Call: 13 11 14
Website: lifeline.org.au1800RESPECT
The national sexual assault, domestic and family violence counselling service offering a phone and online chat service.
Open: 24 hours, every day
Call: 1800 737 732
Website: 1800respect.org.auWomen’s Information and Referral Exchange (WIRE)
Free support, referral and information for all Victorian women, nonbinary and gender-diverse people on any issue.
Open: 9am–5pm, Monday to Friday
Call: 1300 134 130
Website: wire.org.auMensline Australia
Telephone and online counselling service for men with family and relationship concerns.
Open: 24 hours, every day
Call: 1300 789 978
Website: mensline.org.auKids Helpline
24-hour phone and online counselling service for young people aged 5 to 25.
Open: 24 hours, every day
Call: 1800 55 1800
Website: kidshelpline.com.auSwitchboard
Switchboard is a volunteer organisation which provides a free, confidential and anonymous telephone counselling, referral and information service for Victorian bisexual, transgender and gender diverse, intersex, queer and asexual (LGBTIQA+) people and their supporters.
Switchboard partners with QLife to provide a phone and webchat service.
Open: 3pm–midnight, every day
Call: 1800 184 527
Website: switchboard.org.au or qlife.org.auElizabeth Morgan House Aboriginal Women's Service
Elizabeth Morgan House provides a range of support to Aboriginal women and children experiencing family violence from crisis through to recovery program.
9am–5pm, Monday to Thursday
9am–4pm, Friday
Call: (03) 9482 5744
Website: emhaws.org.auVACCA – Victorian Aboriginal Child Care Agency
An Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisation that services children, young people and families with a range of services including family violence, children’s services, housing and homelessness.
Call: (03) 9287 8800
Website: vacca.orgVictorian Aboriginal Legal Service
Legal advice and representation for the Koorie community.
Call: 1800 064 865
Website: vals.org.auAboriginal Family Violence Legal Service (Djirra)
A legal service that supports Aboriginal people who are experiencing or have experienced family violence (women and men). They can also assist non-Aboriginal people experiencing family violence who are parents of Aboriginal children.
Open: 9am–5pm, Monday to Friday
Call: 1800 105 303
Website: djirra.org.auVictorian Aboriginal Health Service (VAHS)
Provides a comprehensive range of medical, dental and social services as well as community programs for Victorian indigenous communities.
9am–5pm, Monday to Thursday
9am–4pm, Friday
03 9419 3000 (VAHS Fitzroy)
03 9403 3300 (VAHS Preston)
03 8592 3920 (VAHS Epping)
Website: vahs.org.auVictoria Police – lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex Liaison Officers (known as LLOs)
LLOs provide discrete, non-judgmental advice and assistance about reporting a crime as well as information about support services for LGBTIQ+ people.
You can report a crime to any police officer in Victoria Police by contacting your local police station but, if the matter is not urgent, you can choose to speak to an LLO.
Call: (03) 9247 6944 during business hours
Email: Melbourne.gllo@police.vic.gov.auYou can also visit the Victoria Police website to find out more about LLOs and find contact details for officers in your area.
Rainbow Door
Rainbow Door is a free specialist helpline providing information, support, and referral to all LGBTIQ+ Victorians, their friends and family.
Open: every day 10am to 5pm
Call: 1800 729 367
Text: 0408 017 246
Email: support@rainbowdoor.org.au
Website: rainbowdoor.org.auSwitchboard
Switchboard is a volunteer organisation which provides a free, confidential and anonymous telephone counselling, referral and information service for Victorian bisexual, transgender and gender diverse, intersex, queer and asexual (LGBTIQ+) people and their supporters.
Switchboard partners with QLife to provide a phone and webchat service.
Open: 3pm–midnight, every day
Call: 1800 184 527
Website: switchboard.org.au or qlife.org.auThorne Harbour Health
A community-controlled organisation providing health services for LGBTIQ+ people, including relationship counselling.
9am–7pm, Monday
9am–9pm Tuesday to Thursday
9am–5pm Friday
Call: 1800 134 835
Website: thorneharbour.orgw/respect
A specialist LGBTIQ+ family violence service to support LGBTIQ+ people and their families affected by family violence.
w/respect is a partnership of four LGBTIQ+ specialist organisations; queerspace (supported by drummond street services), Thorne Harbour Health, Switchboard and Transgender Victoria.
9am–5pm Monday to Friday
After hours counselling 5pm–11pm Wednesday and 10am–10pm Saturday and Sunday
Call: 1800 LGBTIQ
Website: withrespect.org.auqueerspace (supported by drummond street services)
queerspace provides a safe and supportive space to obtain information and access services aimed at improving the health and well-being of LGBTIQ+ people.
9am–5pm Monday to Friday
After hours counselling 5pm–11pm Wednesday, 10am–10pm Saturday and Sunday
Call: (03) 9663 6733Transgender Victoria (TGV)
TGV is Victoria’s leading body for trans and gender diverse advocacy. Provides service and referrals for trans and gender diverse people, their partners, families and friends.
Call: (03) 9020 43642
Website: tgv.org.auInTouch – Multicultural Centre Against Family Violence
A specialist family violence service that works with multicultural women, their families and their communities.
Open: 9am–5pm, Monday to Friday
Call: 1800 755 988
Website: intouch.org.auIslamophobia Support
Islamophobia Support provides free information, advice, referrals and ongoing care to individuals and communities across Victoria.
Open: 9am–5pm, Monday to Friday
Call: 03 9328 2067 or 0481 311 518
Website: icv.org.au/islamophobia-supportOffice of the Public Advocate
The Office of Public Advocate (OPA) works to safeguard the rights and interests of people with disability.
It provides:
- an advice service for people with disability and their family, carers and friends
- the Community Visitor program who can visit disability accommodation services, supported residential services and mental health facilities to ensure residents and patients are being cared for appropriately.
Open: 9am–4.45pm, Monday to Friday
Call: 1300 309 337
Website: publicadvocate.vic.gov.auVillamanta Disability Rights Legal Centre
Villamanta Disability Rights Legal Service is a free, Victoria-wide community legal centre that works exclusively with disability related legal issues. The service has a particular focus on issues which affect people with an intellectual disability.
Call: 03 5227 338 (general calls) or 1800 014 111 (telephone advice service)
Website: villamanta.org.auMental Health Legal Centre
The Mental Health Legal Centre provides a free and confidential legal service to anyone who has experienced mental illness in Victoria where their legal problem relates to their mental illness.
Legal advice telephone line
Open: 6pm–8pm, Tuesday and Thursday evenings
Call: (03) 9629 4422 (metropolitan callers) or 1800 555 887 (free call from rural Victoria)
Website: mhlc.org.auSeniors Rights Victoria
Seniors Rights Victoria provides information, support, advice and education to help prevent elder abuse and safeguard the rights, dignity and independence of older people.
Call: 1300 368 821
Website: seniorsrights.org.au