You can ask police about the investigation – contact details for local police stations are available on the Victoria Police website.
The law in Victoria says that the police must keep you informed about how the investigation of your case is going.
You can ask questions, but it is important to understand that police may not be able to tell you all the details if it could affect the investigation.
Notice to Victim form
Police will give you a Notice to Victim form. They may do this when they take your statement, or they may send it out later in the mail.
If you have not received one, you can request it by contacting the police station your police contact works from.
This form has some important information, including:
- the name and details of the police who is your contact (they can be called the police investigator)
- the Member Station – the station that the police investigator works from
- an Incident Number that helps police keep track of your case.
It is a good idea, if you can, to keep any documents you get about your case together in a safe place. When you contact police, tell them the Incident Number for your case.
Contacting police for information
You can contact the police about your case for information. If you have details for your police contact, call them first. It is important to remember that they may not always be available to talk to you straight away. Police officers work different day and night shifts, and sometimes they may have a few days off in a row.
If you have trouble getting in touch with your police contact:
- call the police station listed under 'Member Station' on your Notice to the Victim form (the phone number for the station is available on the Victoria Police website)
- ask to speak with the officer in charge at the station.
The officer in charge will be able to help you.
Have more questions or need support?
The Victims of Crime Helpline offers information, advice and support.
Call 1800 819 817 between 8am-7pm Monday to Friday and 8am-5pm Saturday, Sunday and public holidays.